All Things Kenna & Cisco Net Worth
What is All Things Kenna & Cisco's net worth?
All Things Kenna & Cisco is an American YouTube channel with over 235.00K subscribers. It started 15 years ago and has 198 uploaded videos.
The net worth of All Things Kenna & Cisco's channel through 18 Sep 2024
Videos on the channel are categorized into Lifestyle, Food.
How much money does All Things Kenna & Cisco make from YouTube?
Below is an estimated average earnings from advertising on the channel, depending on language, price and current audience.
This income is valid for channel visits till Sep 18 and must be updated when channel data changes. The channel may have additional revenue streams, such as sponsored content and product sales, that are not reflected in these figures.
All Things Kenna & Cisco channel's current stats and earnings
Here are the stats for the last two weeks, separated by days.
- The lowest daily views during this period are 120.75K
- The highest daily views are 588.14K
17 Sep | $2,362 | |
16 Sep | $2,315 | |
15 Sep | $1,327 | |
14 Sep | $3,794 | |
13 Sep | $3,718 | |
12 Sep | $2,493 | |
11 Sep | $779 | |
10 Sep | $858 | |
9 Sep | $1,108 | |
8 Sep | $1,026 | |
7 Sep | $1,177 | |
6 Sep | $3,718 | |
5 Sep | $1,150 | |
4 Sep | $1,744 | |
3 Sep | $779 |
Forecast of next month's revenue
All Things Kenna & Cisco net worth for October 2024 - $33,576
Channel details
All Things Kenna & Cisco is more than a YouTube channel. It's a platform where Kenna and Cisco share their life experiences, opinions, and personal struggles. They have a podcast series titled "Don't Get Married" where they discuss topics like the challenges of marrying outside of one's race.
Their videos are not just about entertainment. They are about sharing personal stories. For instance, in their first podcast episode, they shared their love story, how they met online, and navigated a long-distance relationship for six months before meeting in person.
The channel is not just about Kenna and Cisco. It's about their viewers too. They invite their viewers to be part of their journey, to learn from their experiences, and to engage in meaningful conversations.
The channel's growth is impressive. As of May 16, 2024, it has 222K subscribers, a 2.78% increase in the last 30 days. The channel has garnered 96.71M views, a 5.29% increase in the last 30 days.
The channel's success is not just about numbers. It's about the impact Kenna and Cisco have on their viewers. Their videos are a source of inspiration, a platform for discussion, and a community for people to connect.
The channel's content is diverse. From discussing biracial marriages to sharing their personal love story, Kenna and Cisco are not afraid to tackle complex topics. Their videos are a reflection of their life, their struggles, and their triumphs.
All Things Kenna & Cisco is not just a YouTube channel. It's a community, a platform for discussion, and a source of inspiration. It's a testament to Kenna and Cisco's commitment to sharing their life with their viewers, one video at a time.