AlondraDessy (alondradessy) Net Worth
What is AlondraDessy (alondradessy)'s net worth?
AlondraDessy (alondradessy) is an American YouTube channel with over 1.28M subscribers. It started 12 years ago and has 184 uploaded videos.
The net worth of AlondraDessy (alondradessy)'s channel through 23 Jan 2025
Videos on the channel are categorized into Lifestyle.
How much money does AlondraDessy (alondradessy) make from YouTube?
Below is an estimated average earnings from advertising on the channel, depending on language, price and current audience.
This income is valid for channel visits till Jan 23 and must be updated when channel data changes. The channel may have additional revenue streams, such as sponsored content and product sales, that are not reflected in these figures.
AlondraDessy (alondradessy) channel's current stats and earnings
Here are the stats for the last two weeks, separated by days.
- The lowest daily views during this period are 0.00
- The highest daily views are 61.91K
22 Jan | $39 | |
21 Jan | $36 | |
20 Jan | $58 | |
19 Jan | $57 | |
18 Jan | $127 | |
17 Jan | $84 | |
16 Jan | $142 | |
15 Jan | $399 | |
14 Jan | $391 | |
13 Jan | $63 | |
12 Jan | $28 | |
11 Jan | $33 | |
10 Jan | $42 | |
9 Jan | $41 | |
8 Jan | $391 |
Forecast of next month's revenue
AlondraDessy (alondradessy) net worth for February 2025 - $27,199
Channel details
AlondraDessy (alondradessy) is an American YouTube channel with over 1,280M subscribers. It started 12 years ago and has 184 uploaded videos. AlondraDessy once uploaded a video titled "HE HAD TO PROPOSE......." which has over 1.3 million views. AlondraDessy often collaborates with Benny Soliven, who is also a YouTuber. AlondraDessy has a popular video titled "OFFICIAL LABOR & DELIVERY VIDEO | BABY BOY IS HERE!" with over 4.1 million views. AlondraDessy also runs a business selling lashes called The Lash Bar LA. AlondraDessy has a secondary channel with her friend Elsy, which has over 962k subscribers. AlondraDessy once shared a video about her dream car, which has over 168k views. AlondraDessy has a video titled "FINDING OUT I'M PREGNANT" with over 3.9 million views. AlondraDessy often shares personal moments, like spending Christmas with her mom after 10 years. AlondraDessy has a video titled "WE BROKE UP………" which received almost 5 million views. AlondraDessy is known for her makeup tutorials and vlogs. AlondraDessy has a video titled "TELLING BENNY I'M PREGNANT!" with over 3.2 million views. AlondraDessy often promotes products like phone cases and lashes in her videos. AlondraDessy has a video titled "GENDER REVEAL TIME....EP 1" with over 2.2 million views. AlondraDessy has a video titled "Alondradessy getting messy for NEW YEARS" with over 2.6 million views. AlondraDessy has a video titled "WE HAVE SOMETHING TO TELL YOU......" with over 2.3 million views. AlondraDessy has a video titled "BF REACTS TO MY PICS BEFORE I GOT SURGERY" with over 238k views. AlondraDessy has a video titled "BIRTHDAY GLOW UP!!!!" with over 106k views. AlondraDessy has a video titled "TELLING OUR TODDLER WE ATE ALL HIS HALLOWEEN CANDY" with over 106k views. AlondraDessy has a video titled "I GOT MY DREAM CAR, AGAIN......" with over 168k views. AlondraDessy has a video titled "SPENDING CHRISTMAS WITH MY MOM AFTER 10 YEARS!" with over 214k views. AlondraDessy has a video titled "COUPLES GETAWAY| FUNNY AF YOGA CLASS IN TULUM" with over 53k views.
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