Analis Cruz Net Worth
What is Analis Cruz's net worth?
Analis Cruz is YouTube channel with over 195.00K subscribers. It started 4 years ago and has 39 uploaded videos.
The net worth of Analis Cruz's channel through 17 Mar 2025
Videos on the channel are categorized into Physical fitness, Food, Lifestyle.
How much money does Analis Cruz make from YouTube?
Below is an estimated average earnings from advertising on the channel, depending on language, price and current audience.
This income is valid for channel visits till Mar 17 and must be updated when channel data changes. The channel may have additional revenue streams, such as sponsored content and product sales, that are not reflected in these figures.
Analis Cruz channel's current stats and earnings
Here are the stats for the last two weeks, separated by days.
- The lowest daily views during this period are 48.25K
- The highest daily views are 76.81K
16 Mar | $1 | |
15 Mar | $86 | |
14 Mar | $84 | |
13 Mar | $47 | |
12 Mar | $41 | |
11 Mar | $51 | |
10 Mar | $118 | |
9 Mar | $66 | |
8 Mar | $116 | |
7 Mar | $69 | |
6 Mar | $67 | |
5 Mar | $165 | |
4 Mar | $162 | |
3 Mar | $104 | |
2 Mar | $108 |
Forecast of next month's revenue
Analis Cruz net worth for April 2025 - $2,180
Channel details
Analis Cruz, a name that echoes in the fitness world, is not just a YouTube channel. It's a journey, a testament to the power of determination and discipline. The channel, now boasting almost 220K subscribers, is a beacon for those seeking guidance in their fitness journey.
Analis Cruz is known for her detailed workout videos. One such video, an explosive leg day workout, has garnered over a million views. In it, she focuses on quads and glutes, demonstrating each exercise with precision and providing tips on adjusting weight, stance, form, and intensity.
Another popular video, a back and bicep workout tutorial, also crossed the million-view mark. Here, she breaks down each movement, from pull-ups to preacher curls, encouraging women to train their upper body and find confidence in their strength.
Analis Cruz's influence extends beyond YouTube. She is recognized for her TikTok account, where she shares post-workout routines, exercise tips, nutritional information, and trends.
The channel is more than a collection of 43 videos. It's a chronicle of Analis Cruz's dedication to fitness, a commitment that has not only shaped her physique but also her life. It's a source of inspiration for many, a reminder that with perseverance, one can achieve their fitness goals.
Analis Cruz's YouTube channel is not just about numbers and views. It's about the impact she has on her viewers, the motivation she provides, and the community she has built. It's about making fitness accessible and enjoyable for all. It's about Analis Cruz, the fitness enthusiast, the motivator, the guide. And it's about the journey she invites everyone to join.