Angad Bisht MMA Net Worth
What is Angad Bisht MMA's net worth?
Angad Bisht MMA is an Indian YouTube channel with over 45.90K subscribers. It started 7 years ago and has 647 uploaded videos.
The net worth of Angad Bisht MMA's channel through 17 Mar 2025
Videos on the channel are categorized into Lifestyle, Sport.
How much money does Angad Bisht MMA make from YouTube?
Below is an estimated average earnings from advertising on the channel, depending on language, price and current audience.
This income is valid for channel visits till Mar 17 and must be updated when channel data changes. The channel may have additional revenue streams, such as sponsored content and product sales, that are not reflected in these figures.
Angad Bisht MMA channel's current stats and earnings
Here are the stats for the last two weeks, separated by days.
- The lowest daily views during this period are 2.90K
- The highest daily views are 5.64K
16 Mar | $4 | |
15 Mar | $4 | |
14 Mar | $6 | |
13 Mar | $5 | |
12 Mar | $5 | |
11 Mar | $5 | |
10 Mar | $5 | |
9 Mar | $5 | |
8 Mar | $3 | |
7 Mar | $3 | |
6 Mar | $3 | |
5 Mar | $3 | |
4 Mar | $3 | |
3 Mar | $3 | |
2 Mar | $3 |
Forecast of next month's revenue
Angad Bisht MMA net worth for April 2025 - $385
Channel details
The channel, a digital canvas, paints a vivid picture of Angad Bisht's journey in the world of Mixed Martial Arts (MMA). It's a testament to his dedication, a chronicle of his fights, victories, and lessons learned in the ring.
Angad Bisht, the man behind the channel, hails from Rudraprayag, Uttarakhand. His roots are as strong as his punches, and his determination as unyielding as the mountains of his hometown. He is the current MFN Flyweight Champion, a title he defends with the same tenacity with which he trains.
The channel showcases his fights, each one a story of struggle and triumph. One such fight was against Himanshu Kaushik, where Angad Bisht dropped his weight class and emerged victorious. Another notable fight was against Mohamed Gamal, an Egyptian fighter. Despite Gamal's dominance in the initial rounds, Angad Bisht turned the tables in the third round, winning the first MFN flyweight title.
His victories are not just his own, but a win for Indian MMA. His dominating performance in "Road to UFC" is a testament to this, showcasing the power and potential of Indian MMA fighters.
Angad Bisht's YouTube channel is more than just a collection of videos. It's a testament to his journey, his struggles, and his victories. It's a beacon for aspiring MMA fighters in India, showing them that with determination and hard work, they too can reach the top. It's a story of a man who dared to dream, and had the courage to make those dreams a reality.