Christian DelGrosso Net Worth
What is Christian DelGrosso's net worth?
Christian DelGrosso is an American YouTube channel with over 2.47M subscribers. It started 11 years ago and has 83 uploaded videos.
The net worth of Christian DelGrosso's channel through 11 Jan 2025
Videos on the channel are categorized into Film, Humour, Entertainment, Lifestyle.
How much money does Christian DelGrosso make from YouTube?
Below is an estimated average earnings from advertising on the channel, depending on language, price and current audience.
This income is valid for channel visits till Jan 11 and must be updated when channel data changes. The channel may have additional revenue streams, such as sponsored content and product sales, that are not reflected in these figures.
Christian DelGrosso channel's current stats and earnings
Here are the stats for the last two weeks, separated by days.
- The lowest daily views during this period are 630.00
- The highest daily views are 1.84K
10 Jan | $6 | |
9 Jan | $5 | |
8 Jan | $12 | |
7 Jan | $3 | |
6 Jan | $4 | |
5 Jan | $5 | |
4 Jan | $4 | |
3 Jan | $4 | |
2 Jan | $5 | |
1 Jan | $4 | |
31 Dec | $3 | |
30 Dec | $12 | |
29 Dec | $9 | |
28 Dec | $4 | |
27 Dec | $4 |
Forecast of next month's revenue
Christian DelGrosso net worth for February 2025 - $3,944
Channel details
Christian DelGrosso's channel is known for its comedic content. The channel features short skits and vlogs. Christian often collaborates with other social media stars. One of the earliest videos featured his mother. The video was titled "How to Show Your Mom Vine".
Christian's brother, Julian, is also a social media personality. Julian has appeared in several videos on the channel. The brothers share a close bond. They often create content together.
Christian met his wife, Kristen McGowan, in high school. Kristen is also a YouTuber. They have made many videos together. The couple got married on March 7, 2020.
Christian's channel gained popularity on Vine. He had over 7 million followers there. After Vine shut down, he focused on YouTube. His content includes collaborations with Cameron Dallas and Matthew Espinosa.
Christian's acting career began in 2011. He attended EVN studios for acting workshops. He has appeared in several TV series and movies. One notable appearance was in "Willy's Wonderland" with Nicolas Cage.
Christian's channel is known for its humor. The videos often feature everyday situations. The content is relatable and entertaining. Christian's unique style has garnered a loyal following.
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