Dr. Livingood Net Worth
What is Dr. Livingood's net worth?
Dr. Livingood is an American YouTube channel with over 403.00K subscribers. It started 13 years ago and has 682 uploaded videos.
The net worth of Dr. Livingood's channel through 17 Mar 2025
Videos on the channel are categorized into Lifestyle, Health, Knowledge.
How much money does Dr. Livingood make from YouTube?
Below is an estimated average earnings from advertising on the channel, depending on language, price and current audience.
This income is valid for channel visits till Mar 17 and must be updated when channel data changes. The channel may have additional revenue streams, such as sponsored content and product sales, that are not reflected in these figures.
Dr. Livingood channel's current stats and earnings
Here are the stats for the last two weeks, separated by days.
- The lowest daily views during this period are 23.39K
- The highest daily views are 89.17K
16 Mar | $606 | |
15 Mar | $575 | |
14 Mar | $564 | |
13 Mar | $426 | |
12 Mar | $217 | |
11 Mar | $222 | |
10 Mar | $222 | |
9 Mar | $232 | |
8 Mar | $271 | |
7 Mar | $165 | |
6 Mar | $357 | |
5 Mar | $151 | |
4 Mar | $185 | |
3 Mar | $176 | |
2 Mar | $292 |
Forecast of next month's revenue
Dr. Livingood net worth for April 2025 - $5,794
Channel details
Dr. Livingood, a Doctor of Natural Medicine and an Amazon Best Selling Author, is the real name behind the channel. The channel is a treasure trove of health solutions that eliminate the need for medications.
The channel's videos are a testament to Dr. Livingood's commitment to real health. One such video, "Liver Detox: Clean Your Liver in 14 Days with THIS Drink," offers a simple solution for those struggling with fatty liver. Another video, "Prevent Heart Attacks and More with the 15 BEST Heart-Healthy Foods," breaks down the 15 foods that you should be eating to maintain a healthy heart.
Dr. Livingood's mission was born out of personal experience. His father's health crisis, which led to him losing his hearing, vision, and heart function, was a turning point. Witnessing his father's struggle with the healthcare system, Dr. Livingood decided to focus on lifestyle changes to prevent disease.
His approach to health is simple: focus on healthcare, not sick care. He believes that up to 98% of all disease is due to our lifestyle. If you can lifestyle your way into it, you can lifestyle your way out of it.
In addition to his YouTube channel, Dr. Livingood also shares his insights through articles on his website. In a recent article, he discusses the true secret to losing weight once and for all. He emphasizes the importance of making better choices, not just cutting calories.
Dr. Livingood's work is a testament to his belief that health is simple and that anyone can achieve real health. His YouTube channel and articles provide practical, actionable advice to help people live good and experience real health.