What is EMILY BLACK's net worth?
EMILY BLACK is a British YouTube channel with over 465.00K subscribers. It started 4 years ago and has 892 uploaded videos.
The net worth of EMILY BLACK's channel through 14 Mar 2025
Videos on the channel are categorized into Lifestyle, Entertainment, Video game culture.
How much money does EMILY BLACK make from YouTube?
Below is an estimated average earnings from advertising on the channel, depending on language, price and current audience.
This income is valid for channel visits till Mar 14 and must be updated when channel data changes. The channel may have additional revenue streams, such as sponsored content and product sales, that are not reflected in these figures.
EMILY BLACK channel's current stats and earnings
Here are the stats for the last two weeks, separated by days.
- The lowest daily views during this period are 119.59K
- The highest daily views are 119.59K
13 Mar | $413 | |
12 Mar | $601 | |
11 Mar | $120 | |
10 Mar | $553 | |
9 Mar | $589 | |
8 Mar | $356 | |
7 Mar | $721 | |
6 Mar | $331 | |
5 Mar | $706 | |
4 Mar | $360 | |
3 Mar | $703 | |
2 Mar | $706 | |
1 Mar | $724 | |
28 Feb | $709 | |
27 Feb | $771 |
Forecast of next month's revenue
EMILY BLACK net worth for April 2025 - $13,535
Channel details
EMILY BLACK is known for her vibrant personality and diverse content. The channel features lifestyle vlogs, gaming streams, and reaction videos. One of the most popular series is the try-on hauls. These videos have contributed significantly to the channel's growth.
Emily Black was born on April 19, 2000. She stands 170 cm tall and weighs 50 kg. Emily has hazel eyes and brown hair. She started her YouTube journey in May 2020. Emily's dynamic presence extends beyond YouTube. She has a strong following on Instagram and TikTok. Her Instagram handle is itsemilyblack, and she has over 950,000 followers. On TikTok, her content garners hundreds of thousands of views, with over 1.1 million fans.
Emily's influence is not limited to social media. She has collaborated with many influencers and brands. One notable collaboration was with YouTube star KSI in August 2020. Emily also has an OnlyFans account where she shares exclusive content.
Emily's background is in entomology and zoology. She enrolled in college to study these subjects but dropped out to pursue her career on YouTube. Emily's net worth is estimated to be around $800,000. She grew up in a nuclear Catholic family in England. Emily has kept details about her family private.
Emily's channel is one of the fastest-growing in the UK. Her versatility in content creation and engaging personality have made her a prominent figure in the digital realm.