Grizzly True Crime Net Worth
What is Grizzly True Crime's net worth?
Grizzly True Crime is a Dutch YouTube channel with over 362.00K subscribers. It started 4 years ago and has 1910 uploaded videos.
The net worth of Grizzly True Crime's channel through 18 Mar 2025
Videos on the channel are categorized into Society, Lifestyle.
How much money does Grizzly True Crime make from YouTube?
Below is an estimated average earnings from advertising on the channel, depending on language, price and current audience.
This income is valid for channel visits till Mar 18 and must be updated when channel data changes. The channel may have additional revenue streams, such as sponsored content and product sales, that are not reflected in these figures.
Grizzly True Crime channel's current stats and earnings
Here are the stats for the last two weeks, separated by days.
- The lowest daily views during this period are 112.88K
- The highest daily views are 275.25K
17 Mar | $656 | |
16 Mar | $643 | |
15 Mar | $1,775 | |
14 Mar | $1,122 | |
13 Mar | $467 | |
12 Mar | $1,057 | |
11 Mar | $804 | |
10 Mar | $667 | |
9 Mar | $884 | |
8 Mar | $1,740 | |
7 Mar | $787 | |
6 Mar | $1,708 | |
5 Mar | $728 | |
4 Mar | $1,264 | |
3 Mar | $950 |
Forecast of next month's revenue
Grizzly True Crime net worth for April 2025 - $33,981
Channel details
Grizzly True Crime is the brainchild of Gisela K., a South African native. A former competitive swimmer, she once dreamt of becoming a vet. Life had other plans. She became an airline pilot, a career she left behind when financial troubles hit the airline.
Gisela K. is no stranger to challenges. She moved to the Netherlands, a country where she knew no one and didn't speak the language. It was here that Grizzly True Crime was born.
The channel's name could have been anything. A zebra, a leopard, or any other animal. But a Grizzly bear community felt just right. A group of bears is called a sleuth, after all.
Gisela K. is married to Raphael, affectionately known as "Mr. Grizzly". They have two cats, Fury and Willow. The couple got married in July 2013 in George, South Africa and relocated to Switzerland in 2024.
The first YouTube video was uploaded at the end of June in 2021. Two weeks later, Gisela K. decided to take the plunge, get a camera, and start livestreaming. The channel offers deep dive presentations, map-time, the latest updates in cases, body cam footage, press conference coverage, case summaries for trial preparation, documents, and more.
Grizzly True Crime is not just about crime stories. It strays from the genre every once in a while. It's a channel that has grown with its creator, reflecting her journey, her challenges, and her resilience. It's more than a YouTube channel. It's a community, a sleuth of Grizzly bears, navigating the world of true crime together.