Györe Zoltán Net Worth
What is Györe Zoltán's net worth?
Györe Zoltán is a Hungarian YouTube channel with over 12.40K subscribers. It started 4 years ago and has 241 uploaded videos.
The net worth of Györe Zoltán's channel through 15 Jan 2025
Videos on the channel are categorized into Politics, Society.
How much money does Györe Zoltán make from YouTube?
Below is an estimated average earnings from advertising on the channel, depending on language, price and current audience.
This income is valid for channel visits till Jan 15 and must be updated when channel data changes. The channel may have additional revenue streams, such as sponsored content and product sales, that are not reflected in these figures.
Györe Zoltán channel's current stats and earnings
Here are the stats for the last two weeks, separated by days.
- The lowest daily views during this period are 0.00
- The highest daily views are 27.04K
14 Jan | $17 | |
13 Jan | $54 | |
12 Jan | $16 | |
11 Jan | $13 | |
10 Jan | $5 | |
9 Jan | $5 | |
8 Jan | $7 | |
7 Jan | $39 | |
6 Jan | $6 | |
5 Jan | $53 | |
4 Jan | $13 | |
3 Jan | $53 | |
2 Jan | $48 | |
1 Jan | $58 | |
31 Dec | $57 |
Forecast of next month's revenue
Györe Zoltán net worth for February 2025 - $694
Channel details
Györe Zoltán's channel often features deep dives into historical events. The channel's most-watched video discusses the Magdeburg terror attack, with over 18,000 views. Györe Zoltán has a unique way of blending current events with historical context. The channel's content is not just informative but also thought-provoking.
Györe Zoltán collaborates with other Hungarian YouTubers. One frequent collaborator is Buda Péter, known for his expertise in geopolitical issues. The channel also has a series called "CDO," which stands for "Critical Discussion Online." This series covers a wide range of topics, from international politics to local Hungarian affairs.
The channel's creator, Györe Zoltán, is known for his meticulous research. Each video is backed by extensive sources, often including rare documents and interviews. This dedication to accuracy sets the channel apart from many others in the same genre.
Györe Zoltán's channel has a loyal following. Many subscribers appreciate the channel's in-depth analysis and unique perspective. The channel's comment section is often filled with engaging discussions, reflecting the thought-provoking nature of the content.