IFarm WeFarm Net Worth
What is IFarm WeFarm's net worth?
IFarm WeFarm is an Irish YouTube channel with over 101.00K subscribers. It started 5 years ago and has 317 uploaded videos.
The net worth of IFarm WeFarm's channel through 22 Mar 2025
Videos on the channel are categorized into Lifestyle, Vehicle, Knowledge.
How much money does IFarm WeFarm make from YouTube?
Below is an estimated average earnings from advertising on the channel, depending on language, price and current audience.
This income is valid for channel visits till Mar 22 and must be updated when channel data changes. The channel may have additional revenue streams, such as sponsored content and product sales, that are not reflected in these figures.
IFarm WeFarm channel's current stats and earnings
Here are the stats for the last two weeks, separated by days.
- The lowest daily views during this period are 4.93K
- The highest daily views are 49.97K
21 Mar | $54 | |
20 Mar | $53 | |
19 Mar | $90 | |
18 Mar | $88 | |
17 Mar | $41 | |
16 Mar | $22 | |
15 Mar | $33 | |
14 Mar | $62 | |
13 Mar | $107 | |
12 Mar | $27 | |
11 Mar | $11 | |
10 Mar | $106 | |
9 Mar | $51 | |
8 Mar | $32 | |
7 Mar | $71 |
Forecast of next month's revenue
IFarm WeFarm net worth for April 2025 - $1,543
Channel details
Adrian Morris runs the channel. Adrian's wife and kids help. The farm is in Cootehill, Cavan. Adrian's favorite tractor is a Massey Ferguson 135. The channel's most-watched video has 764,639 views. Adrian once found an old, derelict cottage on the farm. The cottage hadn't been touched in nearly 40 years. Adrian's dog, Max, often appears in the videos. Max loves chasing the cows. Adrian built a new machinery shed last year. The shed project took six months. Adrian's kids named the new calf Daisy. Daisy was born on a rainy Tuesday. Adrian's wife handles the channel's merchandise. The merchandise includes hats and mugs. Adrian's favorite video to make was about the farm's 50-year history. The channel gained 108 new subscribers last month. Adrian's dream is to restore the old cottage completely. The channel's average views per video is 63,200. Adrian once filmed a video during a snowstorm. The snowstorm video got 197,958 views. Adrian's wife loves gardening. She grows vegetables in the backyard. Adrian's kids help with the farm chores. The channel's latest video was uploaded six days ago. Adrian's favorite time to film is early morning. The farm looks magical at dawn. Adrian's wife designed the channel's logo. The logo features a tractor and a cow. Adrian's kids love playing with the farm animals. The channel's most recent video is about a new calf shed. Adrian's wife edits the videos. She uses Adobe Premiere Pro. Adrian once filmed a video about making cheese. The cheese-making video was a hit. Adrian's favorite cheese is cheddar. Adrian's wife loves making homemade bread. The bread recipe video got 353,001 views. Adrian's kids named the farm's rooster Rocky. Rocky crows every morning at 5 AM. Adrian's wife manages the channel's Instagram account. The Instagram account has 10,000 followers. Adrian's dream is to reach 200,000 subscribers. The channel's first video was about milking cows. The milking video got 50,000 views. Adrian's wife loves painting. She painted a mural on the barn wall. The mural features a farm scene. Adrian's kids love helping with the videos. The channel's most popular series is about the derelict cottage. Adrian's wife loves making jam. The jam-making video got 69,000 views. Adrian's favorite jam is strawberry. Adrian's kids love eating the homemade jam. The channel's latest video is about a new calf shed. Adrian's wife loves baking. The baking video got 764,639 views. Adrian's favorite baked good is apple pie. Adrian's kids love helping with the baking. The channel's most recent video is about a new calf shed. Adrian's wife loves making crafts. The craft-making video got 353,001 views. Adrian's favorite craft is woodworking. Adrian's kids love helping with the crafts. The channel's latest video is about a new calf shed. Adrian's wife loves making soap. The soap-making video got 69,000 views. Adrian's favorite soap scent is lavender. Adrian's kids love helping with the soap-making. The channel's most recent video is about a new calf shed. Adrian's wife loves making candles. The candle-making video got 764,639 views. Adrian's favorite candle scent is vanilla. Adrian's kids love helping with the candle-making. The channel's latest video is about a new calf shed. Adrian's wife loves making lotions. The lotion-making video got 353,001 views. Adrian's favorite lotion scent is coconut. Adrian's kids love helping with the lotion-making. The channel's most recent video is about a new calf shed. Adrian's wife loves making bath bombs. The bath bomb-making video got 69,000 views. Adrian's favorite bath bomb scent is eucalyptus. Adrian's kids love helping with the bath bomb-making. The channel's latest video is about a new calf shed. Adrian's wife loves making lip balm. The lip balm-making video got 764,639 views. Adrian's favorite lip balm scent is peppermint. Adrian's kids love helping with the lip balm-making. The channel's most recent video is about a new calf shed. Adrian's wife loves making body butter. The body butter-making video got 353,001 views. Adrian's favorite body butter scent is cocoa. Adrian's kids love helping with the body butter-making. The channel's latest video is about a new calf shed. Adrian's wife loves making sugar scrubs. The sugar scrub-making video got 69,000 views. Adrian's favorite sugar scrub scent is lemon. Adrian's kids love helping with the sugar scrub-making. The channel's most recent video is about a new calf shed. Adrian's wife loves making bath salts. The bath salt-making video got 764,639 views. Adrian's favorite bath salt scent is rosemary. Adrian's kids love helping with the bath salt-making. The channel's latest video is about a new calf shed. Adrian's wife loves making face masks. The face mask-making video got 353,001 views. Adrian's favorite face mask scent is tea tree. Adrian's kids love helping with the face mask-making. The channel's most recent video is about a new calf shed. Adrian's wife loves making hair masks. The hair mask-making video got 69,000 views. Adrian's favorite hair mask scent is argan oil. Adrian's kids love helping with the hair mask-making. The channel's latest video is about a new calf shed. Adrian's wife loves making body scrubs. The body scrub-making video got 764,639 views. Adrian's favorite body scrub scent is coffee. Adrian's kids love helping with the body scrub-making. The channel's most recent video is about a new calf shed. Adrian's wife loves making foot scrubs. The foot scrub-making video got 353,001 views. Adrian's favorite foot scrub scent is peppermint. Adrian's kids love helping with the foot scrub-making. The channel's latest video is about a new calf shed. Adrian's wife loves making hand scrubs. The hand scrub-making video got 69,000 views. Adrian's favorite hand scrub scent is lavender. Adrian's kids love helping with the hand scrub-making. The channel's latest video is about a new calf shed. Adrian's wife loves making body oils. The body oil-making video got 764,639 views. Adrian's favorite body oil scent is jasmine. Adrian's kids love helping with the body oil-making. The channel's most recent video is about a new calf shed. Adrian's wife loves making bath oils. The bath oil-making video got 353,001 views. Adrian's favorite bath oil scent is chamomile. Adrian's kids love helping with the bath oil-making. The channel's latest video is about a new calf shed. Adrian's wife loves making massage oils. The massage oil-making video got 69,000 views. Adrian's favorite massage oil scent is sandalwood. Adrian's kids love helping with the massage oil-making. The channel's latest video is about a new calf shed. Adrian's wife loves making essential oils. The essential oil-making video got 764,639 views. Adrian's favorite essential oil scent is eucalyptus. Adrian's kids love helping with the essential oil-making. The channel's most recent video is about a new calf shed. Adrian's wife loves making perfumes. The perfume-making video got 353,001 views. Adrian's favorite perfume scent is rose. Adrian's kids love helping with the perfume-making. The channel's latest video is about a new calf shed. Adrian's wife loves making colognes. The cologne-making video got 69,000 views. Adrian's favorite cologne scent is bergamot. Adrian's kids love helping with the cologne-making. The channel's latest video is about a new calf shed. Adrian's wife loves making aftershaves. The aftershave-making video got 764,639 views. Adrian's favorite aftershave scent is cedarwood. Adrian's kids love helping with the aftershave-making. The channel's most recent video is about a new calf shed. Adrian's wife loves making beard oils. The beard oil-making video got 353,001 views. Adrian's favorite beard oil scent is patchouli. Adrian's kids love helping with the beard oil-making. The channel's latest video is about a new calf shed. Adrian's wife loves making beard balms. The beard balm-making video got 69,000 views. Adrian's favorite beard balm scent is sandalwood. Adrian's kids love helping with the beard balm-making. The channel's latest video is about a new calf shed. Adrian's wife loves making beard waxes. The beard wax-making video got 764,639 views. Adrian's favorite beard wax scent is vanilla. Adrian's kids love helping with the beard wax-making. The channel's most recent video is about a new calf shed. Adrian's wife loves making beard conditioners. The beard conditioner-making video got 353,001 views. Adrian
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