ItsFunneh Net Worth
What is ItsFunneh's net worth?
ItsFunneh is an American YouTube channel with over 11.30M subscribers. It started 13 years ago and has 2881 uploaded videos.
The net worth of ItsFunneh's channel through 22 Jan 2025
Videos on the channel are categorized into Action adventure game, Action game, Role playing video game, Video game culture, Simulation video game.
How much money does ItsFunneh make from YouTube?
Below is an estimated average earnings from advertising on the channel, depending on language, price and current audience.
This income is valid for channel visits till Jan 22 and must be updated when channel data changes. The channel may have additional revenue streams, such as sponsored content and product sales, that are not reflected in these figures.
ItsFunneh channel's current stats and earnings
Here are the stats for the last two weeks, separated by days.
- The lowest daily views during this period are 3.24M
- The highest daily views are 7.15M
21 Jan | $14,244 | |
20 Jan | $15,154 | |
19 Jan | $7,257 | |
18 Jan | $24,924 | |
17 Jan | $23,014 | |
16 Jan | $23,383 | |
15 Jan | $24,426 | |
14 Jan | $31,089 | |
13 Jan | $8,356 | |
12 Jan | $27,845 | |
11 Jan | $30,467 | |
10 Jan | $46,088 | |
9 Jan | $45,166 | |
8 Jan | $20,897 | |
7 Jan | $38,447 |
Forecast of next month's revenue
ItsFunneh net worth for February 2025 - $1,379,885
Channel details
ItsFunneh's real name is Kat La. Kat was born on October 31, 1995. Kat is Canadian-Vietnamese-Chinese. Kat's favorite color is blue. Kat has four siblings: Betty, Kimberly, Wenny, and Allen. Together, they form a group called KREW.
Kat's dad was a chef, and her mom washed dishes at a local restaurant. Kat's family once lived in a small bungalow with two floors. The basement was always rented out, so they couldn't play there. Kat's dad brought home a used Nintendo console from his boss. Kat and her siblings enjoyed playing on it until it broke. They later got a Nintendo GameCube.
Kat was a shy artist in elementary school. Kat carried a doodle book everywhere. Kat's parents bought a restaurant downtown in 2008. Kat's parents gave her an old digital camera. Kat made funny skits and showed them to her family.
Kat currently lives in Canada. Kat and her siblings have three dogs and two cats. Kat's channel was hacked once. Kat's first public video was uploaded on July 29, 2016. Kat's channel was the most-viewed Canadian gaming channel in 2020.
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