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K L LIEW Net Worth

What is K L LIEW's net worth?

K L LIEW is a Malaysian YouTube channel with over 427.00K subscribers. It started 11 years ago and has 397 uploaded videos.

The net worth of K L LIEW's channel through 11 Mar 2025


Videos on the channel are categorized into Lifestyle, Food.

How much money does K L LIEW make from YouTube?

Below is an estimated average earnings from advertising on the channel, depending on language, price and current audience.









This income is valid for channel visits till Mar 11 and must be updated when channel data changes. The channel may have additional revenue streams, such as sponsored content and product sales, that are not reflected in these figures.

K L LIEW channel's current stats and earnings

Here are the stats for the last two weeks, separated by days.

  • The lowest daily views during this period are 84.52K
  • The highest daily views are 211.85K
Compared to the previous period, we have an average growth of 1.9% per week and 7.6% per month.


10 Mar $101
9 Mar $98
8 Mar $114
7 Mar $120
6 Mar $321
5 Mar $216
4 Mar $314
3 Mar $147
2 Mar $455
1 Mar $446
28 Feb $247
27 Feb $170
26 Feb $446
25 Feb $336
24 Feb $182

Forecast of next month's revenue

K L LIEW net worth for April 2025 - $8,409

Channel details

K L LIEW's journey on YouTube has been a remarkable one. The channel has grown to have 433,000 subscribers. The number of videos uploaded has also increased to 416.

The channel is not just about numbers. It's about the content that resonates with the audience. K L LIEW's videos are a blend of travel and events. The channel takes viewers on a culinary journey, exploring the rich flavors of Malaysian cuisine.

One of the most viewed videos is about a durian variety called "忘不了榴槤" or "Unforgettable Durian". This video, showcasing a durian variety grown by the indigenous people in the forest, has garnered over 334,539 views.

K L LIEW also shares recipes, like the one for steamed chicken with cordyceps flower. This video has attracted over 272,566 views. Another popular video is about making South Korean BBQ at home. This video has been viewed over 180,763 times.

The channel's Instagram account, aunty_liew, provides another platform for K L LIEW to connect with the audience.

In the last 30 days, the channel has gained 5.4K new subscribers. The average number of views per video is 72.8K. The highest number of views on a single video is 196.8K.

K L LIEW's YouTube channel is a testament to the power of sharing one's passion with the world. It's a journey of exploration, discovery, and connection. And it's a journey that continues to unfold with each new video.

Official Social Media Channels


See also

Methodology and Sources:

Net worth is calculated based on the publicly available CPM (cost per thousand views) paid by advertisers. A channel's CPM varies depending on the location and demographics of its audience, the number of subscribers a channel has, how frequently it posts videos, and the total watch time of its content. We update this indicator regularly with the latest trends and verified revenue data.

If you have information about K L LIEW's exact income and audience by country, please share it with us. This will help us refine the calculations and provide the most accurate estimate of K L LIEW's net worth.