KingCobraJFS Net Worth
What is KingCobraJFS's net worth?
KingCobraJFS is an American YouTube channel with over 107.00K subscribers. It started 12 years ago and has 5009 uploaded videos.
The net worth of KingCobraJFS's channel through 26 Dec 2024
Videos on the channel are categorized into Food, Lifestyle.
How much money does KingCobraJFS make from YouTube?
Below is an estimated average earnings from advertising on the channel, depending on language, price and current audience.
This income is valid for channel visits till Dec 26 and must be updated when channel data changes. The channel may have additional revenue streams, such as sponsored content and product sales, that are not reflected in these figures.
KingCobraJFS channel's current stats and earnings
Here are the stats for the last two weeks, separated by days.
- The lowest daily views during this period are 9.23K
- The highest daily views are 68.11K
25 Dec | $122 | |
24 Dec | $119 | |
23 Dec | $58 | |
22 Dec | $439 | |
21 Dec | $78 | |
20 Dec | $75 | |
19 Dec | $104 | |
18 Dec | $139 | |
17 Dec | $44 | |
16 Dec | $431 | |
15 Dec | $175 | |
14 Dec | $80 | |
13 Dec | $61 | |
12 Dec | $84 | |
11 Dec | $60 |
Forecast of next month's revenue
KingCobraJFS net worth for January 2025 - $2,966
Channel details
KingCobraJFS is run by Joshua Fay Saunders. Joshua lives in Casper, Wyoming. Joshua started the channel in his father's basement. Joshua moved out in late 2012. Joshua's videos often feature him smoking indoors. Joshua once used a blow torch on stream. Joshua's alcohol consumption has caused trouble. In April 2018, police showed up at Joshua's door due to noise complaints during a stream. In August 2019, Joshua was swatted during a stream. Joshua was evicted from his apartment in October 2020. Joshua was arrested for public intoxication on December 23, 2022. Joshua was drunk at a convenience store and smoking near flammable material. Joshua has Asperger's. Joshua's channel has a cult following due to his eccentric behavior. Joshua's streams often include him consuming tobacco, liquor, and food. Joshua's channel also features his music. Joshua plays both electric and acoustic guitar. Joshua has CDs available for purchase. Joshua's channel has a subreddit dedicated to it. Joshua's PO Box is P.O Box 3862, Casper WY, 82602. Joshua's channel has faced backlash for animal cruelty. Joshua once kept a praying mantis as a pet. Joshua named the mantis Mrs. Green. Joshua's channel has over 5,000 videos. Joshua's channel has a video titled "Magic cigarette trick" with 197,449 views. Joshua's channel has a video titled "Teriyaki Jerky Nachos" with 3.7K views. Joshua's channel has a video titled "When King Cobra Slays Trolls AMV Mortal Kombat" with 5.7K views. Joshua's channel has a video titled "Shit in the trolls" with 6.9K views. Joshua's channel has a video titled "Wet and Juicy" with 3.2K views. Joshua's channel has a video titled "Dirty jokes" with 2.8K views. Joshua's channel has a video titled "Speedy recovery" with 9.2K views.