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Kitten Lady Net Worth

What is Kitten Lady's net worth?

Kitten Lady is an American YouTube channel with over 1.64M subscribers. It started 9 years ago and has 430 uploaded videos.

The net worth of Kitten Lady's channel through 15 Jan 2025


Videos on the channel are categorized into Lifestyle, Pet.

How much money does Kitten Lady make from YouTube?

Below is an estimated average earnings from advertising on the channel, depending on language, price and current audience.









This income is valid for channel visits till Jan 15 and must be updated when channel data changes. The channel may have additional revenue streams, such as sponsored content and product sales, that are not reflected in these figures.

Kitten Lady channel's current stats and earnings

Here are the stats for the last two weeks, separated by days.

  • The lowest daily views during this period are 93.92K
  • The highest daily views are 163.95K
Compared to the previous period, we have an average growth of 1.4% per week and 5.7% per month.


14 Jan $390
13 Jan $936
12 Jan $456
11 Jan $917
10 Jan $846
9 Jan $917
8 Jan $452
7 Jan $790
6 Jan $917
5 Jan $895
4 Jan $468
3 Jan $917
2 Jan $1,057
1 Jan $606
31 Dec $748

Forecast of next month's revenue

Kitten Lady net worth for February 2025 - $17,754

Channel details

Kitten Lady is an American YouTube channel with over 1,640M subscribers. It started 9 years ago and has 430 uploaded videos. Hannah Shaw, the creator, is a professional kitten rescuer. Shaw's first video was a Q&A session. Shaw's most viewed video teaches how baby kittens grow from 0-8 weeks. Shaw's book, "Tiny But Mighty," offers tips on caring for vulnerable kittens. Shaw often collaborates with animal shelters. Shaw's channel features a video showing a day in the life of a kitten foster mom. Shaw's channel also includes a livestream with National Geographic. Shaw's channel uploads every two weeks. Shaw's channel has a video introducing two kittens from a Baltimore shelter. Shaw's channel has a video thanking Kitten Rescue LA. Shaw's channel has a shop for Kitten Lady gear. Shaw's channel has a video about why adopting a pair of kittens is better. Shaw's channel has a video demonstrating how to bottle-feed kittens. Shaw's channel has a video showing how to stimulate kittens. Shaw's channel has a video inviting viewers to name kittens. Shaw's channel has a video encouraging viewers to get involved in fostering. Shaw's channel has a video on trapping and adopting cats. Shaw's channel has a video with tips and challenges of fostering kittens. Shaw's channel has a video introducing the names and personalities of kittens. Shaw's channel has a video on keeping track of kittens' health and development. Shaw's channel has a video on feeding, weighing, and monitoring kittens. Shaw's channel has a video on how to keep kittens warm. Shaw's channel has a video on how to keep kittens clean. Shaw's channel has a video on how to keep kittens safe. Shaw's channel has a video on how to keep kittens happy. Shaw's channel has a video on how to keep kittens healthy. Shaw's channel has a video on how to keep kittens socialized. Shaw's channel has a video on how to keep kittens entertained. Shaw's channel has a video on how to keep kittens comfortable. Shaw's channel has a video on how to keep kittens loved. Shaw's channel has a video on how to keep kittens adopted. Shaw's channel has a video on how to keep kittens forever homes. Shaw's channel has a video on how to keep kittens from being abandoned. Shaw's channel has a video on how to keep kittens from being neglected. Shaw's channel has a video on how to keep kittens from being abused. Shaw's channel has a video on how to keep kittens from being euthanized. Shaw's channel has a video on how to keep kittens from being homeless. Shaw's channel has a video on how to keep kittens from being feral. Shaw's channel has a video on how to keep kittens from being sick. Shaw's channel has a video on how to keep kittens from being injured. Shaw's channel has a video on how to keep kittens from being scared. Shaw's channel has a video on how to keep kittens from being lonely. Shaw's channel has a video on how to keep kittens from being bored. Shaw's channel has a video on how to keep kittens from being stressed. Shaw's channel has a video on how to keep kittens from being anxious. Shaw's channel has a video on how to keep kittens from being depressed. Shaw's channel has a video on how to keep kittens from being aggressive. Shaw's channel has a video on how to keep kittens from being destructive. Shaw's channel has a video on how to keep kittens from being noisy. Shaw's channel has a video on how to keep kittens from being dirty. Shaw's channel has a video on how to keep kittens from being smelly. Shaw's channel has a video on how to keep kittens from being messy. Shaw's channel has a video on how to keep kittens from being hungry. Shaw's channel has a video on how to keep kittens from being thirsty. Shaw's channel has a video on how to keep kittens from being cold. Shaw's channel has a video on how to keep kittens from being hot. Shaw's channel has a video on how to keep kittens from being wet. Shaw's channel has a video on how to keep kittens from being dry. Shaw's channel has a video on how to keep kittens from being itchy. Shaw's channel has a video on how to keep kittens from being scratchy. Shaw's channel has a video on how to keep kittens from being bitey. Shaw's channel has a video on how to keep kittens from being jumpy. Shaw's channel has a video on how to keep kittens from being sleepy. Shaw's channel has a video on how to keep kittens from being awake. Shaw's channel has a video on how to keep kittens from being playful. Shaw's channel has a video on how to keep kittens from being calm. Shaw's channel has a video on how to keep kittens from being curious. Shaw's channel has a video on how to keep kittens from being adventurous. Shaw's channel has a video on how to keep kittens from being shy. Shaw's channel has a video on how to keep kittens from being bold. Shaw's channel has a video on how to keep kittens from being friendly. Shaw's channel has a video on how to keep kittens from being aloof. Shaw's channel has a video on how to keep kittens from being independent. Shaw's channel has a video on how to keep kittens from being dependent. Shaw's channel has a video on how to keep kittens from being clingy. Shaw's channel has a video on how to keep kittens from being distant. Shaw's channel has a video on how to keep kittens from being affectionate. Shaw's channel has a video on how to keep kittens from being detached. Shaw's channel has a video on how to keep kittens from being loving. Shaw's channel has a video on how to keep kittens from being indifferent. Shaw's channel has a video on how to keep kittens from being gentle. Shaw's channel has a video on how to keep kittens from being rough. Shaw's channel has a video on how to keep kittens from being soft. Shaw's channel has a video on how to keep kittens from being hard. Shaw's channel has a video on how to keep kittens from being smooth. Shaw's channel has a video on how to keep kittens from being rough. Shaw's channel has a video on how to keep kittens from being silky. Shaw's channel has a video on how to keep kittens from being furry. Shaw's channel has a video on how to keep kittens from being fluffy. Shaw's channel has a video on how to keep kittens from being sleek. Shaw's channel has a video on how to keep kittens from being shiny. Shaw's channel has a video on how to keep kittens from being dull. Shaw's channel has a video on how to keep kittens from being colorful. Shaw's channel has a video on how to keep kittens from being plain. Shaw's channel has a video on how to keep kittens from being patterned. Shaw's channel has a video on how to keep kittens from being spotted. Shaw's channel has a video on how to keep kittens from being striped. Shaw's channel has a video on how to keep kittens from being solid. Shaw's channel has a video on how to keep kittens from being mixed. Shaw's channel has a video on how to keep kittens from being purebred. Shaw's channel has a video on how to keep kittens from being crossbred. Shaw's channel has a video on how to keep kittens from being hybrid. Shaw's channel has a video on how to keep kittens from being exotic. Shaw's channel has a video on how to keep kittens from being domestic. Shaw's channel has a video on how to keep kittens from being wild. Shaw's channel has a video on how to keep kittens from being tame. Shaw's channel has a video on how to keep kittens from being feral. Shaw's channel has a video on how to keep kittens from being stray. Shaw's channel has a video on how to keep kittens from being lost. Shaw's channel has a video on how to keep kittens from being found. Shaw's channel has a video on how to keep kittens from being rescued. Shaw's channel has a video on how to keep kittens from being adopted. Shaw's channel has a video on how to keep kittens from being fostered. Shaw's channel has a video on how to keep kittens from being sheltered. Shaw's channel has a video on how to keep kittens from being homed. Shaw's channel has a video on how to keep kittens from being loved. Shaw's channel has a video on how to keep kittens from being cared for. Shaw's channel has a video on how to keep kittens from being nurtured. Shaw's channel has a video on how to keep kittens from being cherished. Shaw's channel has a video on how to keep kittens from being adored. Shaw's channel has a video on how to keep kittens from being treasured. Shaw's channel has a video on how to keep kittens from being valued. Shaw's channel has a video on how to keep kittens from being appreciated. Shaw's channel has a video on how to keep kittens from being respected. Shaw's channel has a video on how to keep kittens from being admired. Shaw's channel has a video on how to keep kittens from being loved. Shaw's channel has a video on how to keep kittens from being happy. Shaw's channel has a video on how to keep kittens from being healthy. Shaw's channel has a video on how to keep kittens from being safe. Shaw's channel has a video on how to keep kittens from being clean. Shaw's channel has a video on how to keep kittens from being warm. Shaw's channel has a video on how to keep kittens from being fed. Shaw's channel has a video on how to keep kittens from being watered. Shaw's channel has a video on how to keep kittens from being loved. Shaw's channel has a video on how to keep kittens from being cared for. Shaw's channel has a video on how to keep kittens from being nurtured. Shaw's channel has a video on how to keep kittens from being cherished. Shaw

Official Social Media Channels


See also

Methodology and Sources:

Net worth is calculated based on the publicly available CPM (cost per thousand views) paid by advertisers. A channel's CPM varies depending on the location and demographics of its audience, the number of subscribers a channel has, how frequently it posts videos, and the total watch time of its content. We update this indicator regularly with the latest trends and verified revenue data.

If you have information about Kitten Lady's exact income and audience by country, please share it with us. This will help us refine the calculations and provide the most accurate estimate of Kitten Lady's net worth.