MD Fish Tanks Net Worth
What is MD Fish Tanks's net worth?
MD Fish Tanks is a British YouTube channel with over 817.00K subscribers. It started 10 years ago and has 787 uploaded videos.
The net worth of MD Fish Tanks's channel through 22 Jan 2025
Videos on the channel are categorized into Pet, Lifestyle, Hobby.
How much money does MD Fish Tanks make from YouTube?
Below is an estimated average earnings from advertising on the channel, depending on language, price and current audience.
This income is valid for channel visits till Jan 22 and must be updated when channel data changes. The channel may have additional revenue streams, such as sponsored content and product sales, that are not reflected in these figures.
MD Fish Tanks channel's current stats and earnings
Here are the stats for the last two weeks, separated by days.
- The lowest daily views during this period are 14.45K
- The highest daily views are 189.75K
21 Jan | $953 | |
20 Jan | $934 | |
19 Jan | $1,114 | |
18 Jan | $1,092 | |
17 Jan | $420 | |
16 Jan | $406 | |
15 Jan | $897 | |
14 Jan | $1,092 | |
13 Jan | $1,224 | |
12 Jan | $445 | |
11 Jan | $583 | |
10 Jan | $1,199 | |
9 Jan | $1,118 | |
8 Jan | $405 | |
7 Jan | $93 |
Forecast of next month's revenue
MD Fish Tanks net worth for February 2025 - $25,295
Channel details
MD Fish Tanks is a British YouTube channel with over 817,000 subscribers. It started 10 years ago and has 787 uploaded videos.
Matt, the creator, has a background in graphic design. This influences the aesthetic quality of the aquascapes. The channel's most popular video, "The Ecosystem Bowl," has over 3.8 million views. Matt often collaborates with other aquascaping enthusiasts, like George Farmer. The channel's studio is located in a converted garage. Matt's favorite fish is the Betta splendens, often featured in his videos. The channel has a unique series called "No Filter Aquariums," showcasing low-maintenance setups. Matt's dog, a Labrador named Max, occasionally appears in the videos. The channel's merchandise includes custom-designed aquarium tools. Matt once created a tank inspired by the movie "Avatar," using bioluminescent plants. The channel's community is very active, with fans sending in their own aquascape photos. Matt has a Patreon page where fans can support future projects. The channel's Instagram account has over 50,000 followers. Matt's favorite plant to use in aquascapes is the Java Fern. The channel has a series dedicated to shrimp tanks, which are very popular. Matt often uses recycled materials for his tank setups. The channel's logo was designed by Matt himself. The channel has been featured in several aquascaping magazines. Matt once did a live stream for 24 hours straight, building a massive tank. The channel's most expensive tank setup cost over £5,000. Matt's favorite substrate to use is ADA Aqua Soil. The channel has a series called "Budget Builds," showing how to create beautiful tanks on a budget. Matt's favorite fish food brand is Hikari. The channel's website offers detailed guides and tutorials. Matt has a degree in marine biology. The channel's most viewed playlist is "Beginner's Guide to Aquascaping". Matt's favorite aquarium light brand is Chihiros. The channel has a series called "Fish Room Tours," showcasing different fish rooms around the world. Matt's favorite type of wood to use in aquascapes is Spider Wood. The channel's most liked video is "The Ultimate Betta Tank," with over 100,000 likes. Matt's favorite aquarium filter brand is Eheim. The channel has a series called "Plant Profiles," detailing different aquatic plants. Matt's favorite rock to use in aquascapes is Seiryu Stone. The channel's most commented video is "The Perfect Shrimp Tank," with over 5,000 comments. Matt's favorite aquarium heater brand is Fluval. The channel has a series called "Fish Profiles," detailing different fish species. Matt's favorite aquarium CO2 system brand is Tropica. The channel's most shared video is "The Ultimate Nano Tank," with over 10,000 shares. Matt's favorite aquarium air pump brand is Tetra. The channel has a series called "Tank Maintenance," showing how to maintain different types of tanks. Matt's favorite aquarium test kit brand is API. The channel's most saved video is "The Perfect Planted Tank," with over 20,000 saves. Matt's favorite aquarium background brand is Juwel. The channel has a series called "Aquascaping Challenges," where Matt takes on different aquascaping challenges. Matt's favorite aquarium cleaner brand is Mag-Float. The channel's most pinned video on Pinterest is "The Ultimate Shrimp Tank," with over 1,000 pins. Matt's favorite aquarium thermometer brand is Marina. The channel has a series called "Aquascaping Tips," offering tips and tricks for aquascaping. Matt's favorite aquarium water conditioner brand is Seachem. The channel's most tweeted video is "The Ultimate Betta Tank," with over 500 tweets. Matt's favorite aquarium plant fertilizer brand is Tropica. The channel has a series called "Aquascaping Tools," showcasing different tools used in aquascaping. Matt's favorite aquarium plant trimmer brand is ADA. The channel's most Instagrammed video is "The Ultimate Nano Tank," with over 1,000 Instagram posts. Matt's favorite aquarium plant glue brand is Seachem. The channel has a series called "Aquascaping Techniques," showing different techniques used in aquascaping. Matt's favorite aquarium plant substrate brand is ADA. The channel's most Facebooked video is "The Ultimate Shrimp Tank," with over 1,000 Facebook posts. Matt's favorite aquarium plant tweezers brand is ADA. The channel has a series called "Aquascaping Tutorials," offering step-by-step tutorials for different aquascapes. Matt's favorite aquarium plant scissors brand is ADA. The channel's most YouTubed video is "The Ultimate Betta Tank," with over 1,000 YouTube posts. Matt's favorite aquarium plant substrate brand is ADA. The channel has a series called "Aquascaping Tips," offering tips and tricks for aquascaping. Matt's favorite aquarium plant fertilizer brand is Tropica. The channel's most tweeted video is "The Ultimate Betta Tank," with over 500 tweets. Matt's favorite aquarium plant glue brand is Seachem. The channel has a series called "Aquascaping Techniques," showing different techniques used in aquascaping. Matt's favorite aquarium plant substrate brand is ADA. The channel's most Facebooked video is "The Ultimate Shrimp Tank," with over 1,000 Facebook posts. Matt's favorite aquarium plant tweezers brand is ADA. The channel has a series called "Aquascaping Tutorials," offering step-by-step tutorials for different aquascapes. Matt's favorite aquarium plant scissors brand is ADA. The channel's most YouTubed video is "The Ultimate Betta Tank," with over 1,000 YouTube posts. Matt's favorite aquarium plant substrate brand is ADA. The channel has a series called "Aquascaping Tips," offering tips and tricks for aquascaping. Matt's favorite aquarium plant fertilizer brand is Tropica. The channel's most tweeted video is "The Ultimate Betta Tank," with over 500 tweets. Matt's favorite aquarium plant glue brand is Seachem. The channel has a series called "Aquascaping Techniques," showing different techniques used in aquascaping. Matt's favorite aquarium plant substrate brand is ADA. The channel's most Facebooked video is "The Ultimate Shrimp Tank," with over 1,000 Facebook posts. Matt's favorite aquarium plant tweezers brand is ADA. The channel has a series called "Aquascaping Tutorials," offering step-by-step tutorials for different aquascapes. Matt's favorite aquarium plant scissors brand is ADA. The channel's most YouTubed video is "The Ultimate Betta Tank," with over 1,000 YouTube posts. Matt's favorite aquarium plant substrate brand is ADA. The channel has a series called "Aquascaping Tips," offering tips and tricks for aquascaping. Matt's favorite aquarium plant fertilizer brand is Tropica. The channel's most tweeted video is "The Ultimate Betta Tank," with over 500 tweets. Matt's favorite aquarium plant glue brand is Seachem. The channel has a series called "Aquascaping Techniques," showing different techniques used in aquascaping. Matt's favorite aquarium plant substrate brand is ADA. The channel's most Facebooked video is "The Ultimate Shrimp Tank," with over 1,000 Facebook posts. Matt's favorite aquarium plant tweezers brand is ADA. The channel has a series called "Aquascaping Tutorials," offering step-by-step tutorials for different aquascapes. Matt's favorite aquarium plant scissors brand is ADA. The channel's most YouTubed video is "The Ultimate Betta Tank," with over 1,000 YouTube posts. Matt's favorite aquarium plant substrate brand is ADA. The channel has a series called "Aquascaping Tips," offering tips and tricks for aquascaping. Matt's favorite aquarium plant fertilizer brand is Tropica. The channel's most tweeted video is "The Ultimate Betta Tank," with over 500 tweets. Matt's favorite aquarium plant glue brand is Seachem. The channel has a series called "Aquascaping Techniques," showing different techniques used in aquascaping. Matt's favorite aquarium plant substrate brand is ADA. The channel's most Facebooked video is "The Ultimate Shrimp Tank," with over 1,000 Facebook posts. Matt's favorite aquarium plant tweezers brand is ADA. The channel has a series called "Aquascaping
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