Mukul Sona MS Net Worth
What is Mukul Sona MS's net worth?
Mukul Sona MS is YouTube channel with over 6.01M subscribers. It started 8 years ago and has 956 uploaded videos.
The net worth of Mukul Sona MS's channel through 13 Mar 2025
Videos on the channel are categorized into Lifestyle, Entertainment.
How much money does Mukul Sona MS make from YouTube?
Below is an estimated average earnings from advertising on the channel, depending on language, price and current audience.
This income is valid for channel visits till Mar 13 and must be updated when channel data changes. The channel may have additional revenue streams, such as sponsored content and product sales, that are not reflected in these figures.
Mukul Sona MS channel's current stats and earnings
Here are the stats for the last two weeks, separated by days.
- The lowest daily views during this period are 2.17M
- The highest daily views are 4.46M
12 Mar | $8,421 | |
11 Mar | $4,269 | |
10 Mar | $3,514 | |
9 Mar | $5,574 | |
8 Mar | $4,914 | |
7 Mar | $5,151 | |
6 Mar | $5,808 | |
5 Mar | $8,253 | |
4 Mar | $5,721 | |
3 Mar | $9,583 | |
2 Mar | $5,303 | |
1 Mar | $9,391 | |
28 Feb | $9,564 | |
27 Feb | $4,693 | |
26 Feb | $4,667 |
Forecast of next month's revenue
Mukul Sona MS net worth for April 2025 - $189,525
Channel details
Mukul Gain and Sona Dey run the channel. Mukul Gain is a dancer who gained fame from reality shows. Sona Dey is also a dancer and choreographer. They often post dance videos and vlogs. Mukul Gain has a background in engineering. Sona Dey has a solo YouTube channel too. They have a strong presence on Instagram. Mukul Gain's Instagram handle is @mukulgain.official. Sona Dey's Instagram handle is @sona_dey_official. They often collaborate with other dancers. They have a dedicated fan base. Their videos often feature their daily life. They share behind-the-scenes content. Mukul Gain and Sona Dey are known for their chemistry. They have a team that helps with production. Mukul Gain's struggle story is popular among fans. They have done surprise meet-ups with fans. Their content is mostly in Hindi. They have a mix of dance and lifestyle content. They often travel for their vlogs. Mukul Gain and Sona Dey have won several dance competitions. They are known for their energetic performances. Their channel has a high engagement rate. They have collaborated with brands for promotions. They often post about their personal milestones. Mukul Gain and Sona Dey are very interactive with their audience. They have a podcast as well. Their channel has seen consistent growth over the years.