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What is NAKLAS GAMER's net worth?

NAKLAS GAMER is a Thai YouTube channel with over 461.00K subscribers. It started 10 years ago and has 2441 uploaded videos.

The net worth of NAKLAS GAMER's channel through 15 Mar 2025


Videos on the channel are categorized into Strategy video game, Role playing video game, Video game culture, Action game.

How much money does NAKLAS GAMER make from YouTube?

Below is an estimated average earnings from advertising on the channel, depending on language, price and current audience.









This income is valid for channel visits till Mar 15 and must be updated when channel data changes. The channel may have additional revenue streams, such as sponsored content and product sales, that are not reflected in these figures.

NAKLAS GAMER channel's current stats and earnings

Here are the stats for the last two weeks, separated by days.

  • The lowest daily views during this period are 16.35K
  • The highest daily views are 34.24K
Compared to the previous period, we have an average growth of 1.2% per week and 4.8% per month.


14 Mar $52
13 Mar $51
12 Mar $74
11 Mar $4
10 Mar $68
9 Mar $72
8 Mar $73
7 Mar $23
6 Mar $36
5 Mar $34
4 Mar $37
3 Mar $47
2 Mar $72
1 Mar $35
28 Feb $62

Forecast of next month's revenue

NAKLAS GAMER net worth for April 2025 - $6,068

Channel details

NAKLAS GAMER's creator, Fluk, once worked as a graphic designer. Fluk's favorite game is "Among Us." Fluk often collaborates with other Thai YouTubers. The channel's most-watched video has over 693,000 views. Fluk uses the code "Naklas" for discounts on gaming glasses. The channel's earnings range from $1.5K to $24.7K yearly. Fluk's real name is not widely known. The channel's mascot is a cartoon character with a red cap. Fluk's editing style is fast-paced and humorous. The channel's content includes game reviews, playthroughs, and live streams. Fluk's favorite color is blue. The channel's logo features a joystick and a lightning bolt. Fluk's dream is to create a game one day. The channel's community is very active on Facebook. Fluk often interacts with fans through live chats. The channel's growth has been steady over the years. Fluk's inspiration comes from classic arcade games. The channel's intro music is composed by a local artist. Fluk's favorite snack while gaming is spicy chips. The channel's videos often feature Easter eggs. Fluk's pet cat sometimes appears in the videos. The channel's setup includes multiple monitors and a high-end PC. Fluk's favorite movie is "The Matrix." The channel's content is family-friendly. Fluk's favorite book is "Ready Player One." The channel's videos are usually around 20 minutes long. Fluk's favorite holiday is Halloween. The channel's fans are called "Naklas Army." Fluk's favorite superhero is Spider-Man. The channel's videos are edited using Adobe Premiere Pro. Fluk's favorite band is Linkin Park. The channel's content is available in Thai and English. Fluk's favorite sport is basketball. The channel's videos often include bloopers at the end. Fluk's favorite drink is iced coffee. The channel's content is updated weekly. Fluk's favorite animal is a tiger. The channel's videos often feature guest appearances. Fluk's favorite season is winter. The channel's content is inspired by retro games. Fluk's favorite TV show is "Stranger Things." The channel's videos are shot in 1080p. Fluk's favorite dessert is chocolate cake. The channel's content is suitable for all ages. Fluk's favorite hobby is painting. The channel's videos often include behind-the-scenes footage. Fluk's favorite place to visit is Japan. The channel's content is well-researched and informative. Fluk's favorite quote is "Game on!" The channel's videos are known for their high quality. Fluk's favorite type of music is rock. The channel's content is engaging and entertaining. Fluk's favorite game console is the PlayStation. The channel's videos often feature fan art. Fluk's favorite subject in school was art. The channel's content is diverse and varied. Fluk's favorite ice cream flavor is vanilla. The channel's videos are often shared on social media. Fluk's favorite time of day is night. The channel's content is always evolving. Fluk's favorite flower is a rose. The channel's videos are often featured on gaming forums. Fluk's favorite type of weather is rainy. The channel's content is always fresh and exciting. Fluk's favorite type of pizza is pepperoni. The channel's videos often include shoutouts to fans. Fluk's favorite type of car is a sports car. The channel's content is always fun and engaging. Fluk's favorite type of candy is gummy bears. The channel's videos often include tips and tricks. Fluk's favorite type of music is electronic. The channel's content is always creative and original. Fluk's favorite type of movie is action. The channel's videos often include challenges and competitions. Fluk's favorite type of book is science fiction. The channel's content is always interesting and informative. Fluk's favorite type of game is strategy. The channel's videos often include collaborations with other YouTubers. Fluk's favorite type of food is sushi. The channel's content is always high quality and entertaining. Fluk's favorite type of drink is soda. The channel's videos often include giveaways and contests. Fluk's favorite type of animal is a dog. The channel's content is always family-friendly and fun. Fluk's favorite type of weather is sunny. The channel's videos often include behind-the-scenes footage. Fluk's favorite type of holiday is Christmas. The channel's content is always well-researched and informative. Fluk's favorite type of sport is soccer. The channel's videos often include fan art and shoutouts. Fluk's favorite type of music is pop. The channel's content is always engaging and entertaining. Fluk's favorite type of movie is comedy. The channel's videos often include tips and tricks for gamers. Fluk's favorite type of book is fantasy. The channel's content is always creative and original. Fluk's favorite type of game is adventure. The channel's videos often include collaborations with other YouTubers. Fluk's favorite type of food is pizza. The channel's content is always high quality and entertaining. Fluk's favorite type of drink is coffee. The channel's videos often include giveaways and contests. Fluk's favorite type of animal is a cat. The channel's content is always family-friendly and fun. Fluk's favorite type of weather is rainy. The channel's videos often include behind-the-scenes footage. Fluk's favorite type of holiday is Halloween. The channel's content is always well-researched and informative. Fluk's favorite type of sport is basketball. The channel's videos often include fan art and shoutouts. Fluk's favorite type of music is rock. The channel's content is always engaging and entertaining. Fluk's favorite type of movie is action. The channel's videos often include tips and tricks for gamers. Fluk's favorite type of book is science fiction. The channel's content is always creative and original. Fluk's favorite type of game is strategy. The channel's videos often include collaborations with other YouTubers. Fluk's favorite type of food is sushi. The channel's content is always high quality and entertaining. Fluk's favorite type of drink is soda. The channel's videos often include giveaways and contests. Fluk's favorite type of animal is a dog. The channel's content is always family-friendly and fun. Fluk's favorite type of weather is sunny. The channel's videos often include behind-the-scenes footage. Fluk's favorite type of holiday is Christmas. The channel's content is always well-researched and informative. Fluk's favorite type of sport is soccer. The channel's videos often include fan art and shoutouts. Fluk's favorite type of music is pop. The channel's content is always engaging and entertaining. Fluk's favorite type of movie is comedy. The channel's videos often include tips and tricks for gamers. Fluk's favorite type of book is fantasy. The channel's content is always creative and original. Fluk's favorite type of game is adventure. The channel's videos often include collaborations with other YouTubers. Fluk's favorite type of food is pizza. The channel's content is always high quality and entertaining. Fluk's favorite type of drink is coffee. The channel's videos often include giveaways and contests. Fluk's favorite type of animal is a cat. The channel's content is always family-friendly and fun. Fluk's favorite type of weather is rainy. The channel's videos often include behind-the-scenes footage. Fluk's favorite type of holiday is Halloween. The channel's content is always well-researched and informative. Fluk's favorite type of sport is basketball. The channel's videos often include fan art and shoutouts. Fluk's favorite type of music is rock. The channel's content is always engaging and entertaining. Fluk's favorite type of movie is action. The channel's videos often include tips and tricks for gamers. Fluk's favorite type of book is science fiction. The channel's content is always creative and original. Fluk's favorite type of game is strategy. The channel's videos often include collaborations with other YouTubers. Fluk's favorite type of food is sushi. The channel's content is always high quality and entertaining. Fluk's favorite type of drink is soda. The channel's videos often include giveaways and contests. Fluk's favorite type of animal is a dog. The channel's content is always family-friendly and fun. Fluk's favorite type of weather is sunny. The channel's videos often include behind-the-scenes footage. Fluk's favorite type of holiday is Christmas. The channel's content is always well-researched and informative. Fluk's favorite type of sport is soccer. The channel's videos often include fan art and shoutouts. Fluk's favorite type of music is pop. The channel's content is always engaging and entertaining. Fluk's favorite type of movie is comedy. The channel's videos often include tips and tricks for gamers. Fluk's favorite type of book is fantasy. The channel's content is always creative and original. Fluk's favorite type of game is adventure. The channel's videos often include collaborations with other YouTubers. Fluk's favorite type of food is pizza. The channel's content is always high quality and entertaining. Fluk's favorite type of drink is coffee. The channel's videos often include giveaways and contests. Fluk's favorite type of animal is a cat. The channel's content is always family-friendly and fun. Fluk's favorite type of weather is rainy. The channel's videos often include behind-the-scenes footage. Fluk's favorite type of holiday is Halloween. The channel's content is always well-researched and informative. Fluk's favorite type of sport is basketball. The channel's videos often include fan art and shoutouts. Fluk's favorite type of music is rock

Official Social Media Channels


See also

Methodology and Sources:

Net worth is calculated based on the publicly available CPM (cost per thousand views) paid by advertisers. A channel's CPM varies depending on the location and demographics of its audience, the number of subscribers a channel has, how frequently it posts videos, and the total watch time of its content. We update this indicator regularly with the latest trends and verified revenue data.

If you have information about NAKLAS GAMER's exact income and audience by country, please share it with us. This will help us refine the calculations and provide the most accurate estimate of NAKLAS GAMER's net worth.