North Texas Vegetable Gardening and Cooking Net Worth
What is North Texas Vegetable Gardening and Cooking's net worth?
North Texas Vegetable Gardening and Cooking is an American YouTube channel with over 48.20K subscribers. It started 11 years ago and has 982 uploaded videos.
The net worth of North Texas Vegetable Gardening and Cooking's channel through 21 Jan 2025
Videos on the channel are categorized into Knowledge, Lifestyle.
How much money does North Texas Vegetable Gardening and Cooking make from YouTube?
Below is an estimated average earnings from advertising on the channel, depending on language, price and current audience.
This income is valid for channel visits till Jan 21 and must be updated when channel data changes. The channel may have additional revenue streams, such as sponsored content and product sales, that are not reflected in these figures.
North Texas Vegetable Gardening and Cooking channel's current stats and earnings
Here are the stats for the last two weeks, separated by days.
- The lowest daily views during this period are 3.17K
- The highest daily views are 7.41K
20 Jan | $48 | |
19 Jan | $33 | |
18 Jan | $47 | |
17 Jan | $35 | |
16 Jan | $47 | |
15 Jan | $23 | |
14 Jan | $25 | |
13 Jan | $13 | |
12 Jan | $14 | |
11 Jan | $15 | |
10 Jan | $30 | |
9 Jan | $47 | |
8 Jan | $31 | |
7 Jan | $20 | |
6 Jan | $22 |
Forecast of next month's revenue
North Texas Vegetable Gardening and Cooking net worth for February 2025 - $629
Channel details
North Texas Vegetable Gardening and Cooking is an American YouTube channel with over 48,200 subscribers. It started 11 years ago and has 982 uploaded videos. The channel is run by Hillbilly Jilly. Hillbilly Jilly is known for her distinctive Southern accent and warm, engaging style. Hillbilly Jilly often shares personal anecdotes from her life in Texas.
The channel features a unique blend of gardening tips and cooking recipes. Hillbilly Jilly emphasizes organic gardening methods. Hillbilly Jilly's garden includes heirloom varieties of vegetables. Hillbilly Jilly often collaborates with local farmers and gardeners.
Hillbilly Jilly's cooking videos showcase traditional Southern recipes. Hillbilly Jilly's recipes often use ingredients straight from her garden. Hillbilly Jilly has a particular fondness for canning and preserving. Hillbilly Jilly's videos often feature her family members.
Hillbilly Jilly's husband, known as Mr. Hillbilly, occasionally appears in the videos. Mr. Hillbilly helps with the heavier gardening tasks. The couple's dog, Daisy, is a frequent guest star. Daisy is known for her playful antics in the garden.
Hillbilly Jilly's channel also includes DIY projects. Hillbilly Jilly has built raised garden beds and compost bins. Hillbilly Jilly's videos are known for their practical, hands-on approach. Hillbilly Jilly often answers viewer questions in her videos.
Hillbilly Jilly's channel has a loyal following. Many viewers appreciate Hillbilly Jilly's down-to-earth style. Hillbilly Jilly's videos are a source of inspiration for many home gardeners. Hillbilly Jilly's channel continues to grow in popularity.
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