What is SENTI BEE's net worth?
SENTI BEE is a British YouTube channel with over 578.00K subscribers. It started 6 years ago and has 291 uploaded videos.
The net worth of SENTI BEE's channel through 17 Mar 2025
Videos on the channel are categorized into Lifestyle.
How much money does SENTI BEE make from YouTube?
Below is an estimated average earnings from advertising on the channel, depending on language, price and current audience.
This income is valid for channel visits till Mar 17 and must be updated when channel data changes. The channel may have additional revenue streams, such as sponsored content and product sales, that are not reflected in these figures.
SENTI BEE channel's current stats and earnings
Here are the stats for the last two weeks, separated by days.
- The lowest daily views during this period are 1.24M
- The highest daily views are 3.76M
16 Mar | $11,737 | |
15 Mar | $6,572 | |
14 Mar | $11,503 | |
13 Mar | $8,891 | |
12 Mar | $19,833 | |
11 Mar | $12,741 | |
10 Mar | $19,437 | |
9 Mar | $24,235 | |
8 Mar | $11,643 | |
7 Mar | $23,750 | |
6 Mar | $17,851 | |
5 Mar | $11,993 | |
4 Mar | $8,197 | |
3 Mar | $8,007 | |
2 Mar | $9,587 |
Forecast of next month's revenue
SENTI BEE net worth for April 2025 - $482,239
Channel details
SENTI BEE's creator is known for her unique blend of Tamil and English content. The channel's most popular video, "My University Vlog | My class | தமிழ் | Student in UK | Middlesex University," has over 687,000 views. SENTI BEE often shares personal stories and experiences, making the content relatable and engaging.
The creator's real name is Hebe John. Hebe joined YouTube in October 2018 and uploaded the first video in April 2020. The channel has a strong focus on student life in the UK, especially for Tamil-speaking students. Hebe's video "Packing Essentials for UK students from India!! | Tamil | 2020" was one of the earliest uploads.
SENTI BEE's content often addresses the challenges and realities of living and studying abroad. One video, "Dark Side NO one tells You! | UK Student | Tamil," discusses the less glamorous aspects of student life in the UK. This video has garnered significant attention, with over 608,000 views.
Hebe's channel also features vlogs about daily life, travel, and cultural experiences. The video "This Changed my life….! | No product | No doctor | Acne journey Tamil" has over 1.3 million views. SENTI BEE's content is a mix of informative and personal, making it a favorite among viewers.
The channel's growth has been organic, with Hebe often interacting with her audience through comments and social media. SENTI BEE's Instagram handle is @senti_bee, where Hebe shares updates and behind-the-scenes content. The channel's community is active and supportive, contributing to its steady growth.