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Steve & Kai Net Worth

What is Steve & Kai's net worth?

Steve & Kai is an American YouTube channel with over 210.00K subscribers. It started 5 years ago and has 1195 uploaded videos.

The net worth of Steve & Kai's channel through 15 Mar 2025


Videos on the channel are categorized into Lifestyle, Tourism.

How much money does Steve & Kai make from YouTube?

Below is an estimated average earnings from advertising on the channel, depending on language, price and current audience.









This income is valid for channel visits till Mar 15 and must be updated when channel data changes. The channel may have additional revenue streams, such as sponsored content and product sales, that are not reflected in these figures.

Steve & Kai channel's current stats and earnings

Here are the stats for the last two weeks, separated by days.

  • The lowest daily views during this period are 8.51K
  • The highest daily views are 61.61K
Compared to the previous period, we have an average growth of 1.3% per week and 5.3% per month.


14 Mar $374
13 Mar $391
12 Mar $119
11 Mar $383
10 Mar $329
9 Mar $182
8 Mar $383
7 Mar $397
6 Mar $389
5 Mar $329
4 Mar $389
3 Mar $257
2 Mar $117
1 Mar $191
28 Feb $55

Forecast of next month's revenue

Steve & Kai net worth for April 2025 - $6,304

Channel details

Steve & Kai's channel is known for its unique blend of humor and educational content. Steve, originally from a small town in Ohio, has a background in mechanical engineering. Kai, on the other hand, grew up in Hawaii and has a passion for marine biology. The duo met at a tech conference in San Francisco and decided to start the channel together.

One of their most popular series involves building intricate DIY projects using everyday materials. Steve once built a fully functional mini-robot using only items found in a junk drawer. Kai's favorite project was creating a sustainable aquarium ecosystem, which featured in a local environmental magazine.

The channel also features a segment called "Kai's Fun Facts," where Kai shares lesser-known trivia about marine life. This segment was inspired by Kai's childhood fascination with ocean documentaries. Steve & Kai's channel has a dedicated fanbase, with many viewers sending in their own DIY project ideas and marine biology questions.

Steve & Kai are also known for their philanthropic efforts. They have raised over $50,000 for ocean conservation through various fundraising events and merchandise sales. The duo often collaborates with other YouTubers and scientists to bring more awareness to environmental issues.

In one of their videos, Steve revealed that he has a collection of vintage mechanical pencils, which he uses in his engineering sketches. Kai, on the other hand, has a collection of rare seashells from around the world, some of which are displayed in their videos.

Steve & Kai's channel continues to grow, with new content being uploaded every week. The duo's unique blend of humor, education, and passion for their respective fields keeps their audience engaged and coming back for more.


See also

Methodology and Sources:

Net worth is calculated based on the publicly available CPM (cost per thousand views) paid by advertisers. A channel's CPM varies depending on the location and demographics of its audience, the number of subscribers a channel has, how frequently it posts videos, and the total watch time of its content. We update this indicator regularly with the latest trends and verified revenue data.

If you have information about Steve & Kai's exact income and audience by country, please share it with us. This will help us refine the calculations and provide the most accurate estimate of Steve & Kai's net worth.