Vital Camp GmbH Micro House Manufacturing ? Net Worth
What is Vital Camp GmbH Micro House Manufacturing ?'s net worth?
Vital Camp GmbH Micro House Manufacturing ? is a German YouTube channel with over 19.80K subscribers. It started 7 years ago and has 494 uploaded videos.
The net worth of Vital Camp GmbH Micro House Manufacturing ?'s channel through 22 Dec 2024
Videos on the channel are categorized into Lifestyle, Hobby.
How much money does Vital Camp GmbH Micro House Manufacturing ? make from YouTube?
Below is an estimated average earnings from advertising on the channel, depending on language, price and current audience.
This income is valid for channel visits till Dec 22 and must be updated when channel data changes. The channel may have additional revenue streams, such as sponsored content and product sales, that are not reflected in these figures.
Vital Camp GmbH Micro House Manufacturing ? channel's current stats and earnings
Here are the stats for the last two weeks, separated by days.
- The lowest daily views during this period are 6.70K
- The highest daily views are 19.37K
21 Dec | $59 | |
20 Dec | $66 | |
19 Dec | $65 | |
18 Dec | $65 | |
17 Dec | $40 | |
16 Dec | $100 | |
15 Dec | $98 | |
14 Dec | $43 | |
13 Dec | $75 | |
12 Dec | $53 | |
11 Dec | $97 | |
10 Dec | $68 | |
9 Dec | $90 | |
8 Dec | $125 | |
7 Dec | $75 |
Forecast of next month's revenue
Vital Camp GmbH Micro House Manufacturing ? net worth for January 2025 - $5,020
Channel details
Vital Camp GmbH Micro House Manufacturing ? is a German YouTube channel with over 19,800 subscribers. It started 6 years ago and has 494 uploaded videos. The channel's most popular video has over 83,000 views. The creators often feature their two main showgrounds in Zierenberg and Flensburg.
The channel is known for its detailed tours of tiny houses and chalets. The creators emphasize the use of high-quality materials and modern design. One unique aspect is the behind-the-scenes look at the production process. The creators also share personal stories about their journey in the tiny house industry.
Vital Camp GmbH Micro House Manufacturing ? has a strong community focus. The creators often highlight customer stories and experiences. The channel also features collaborations with other tiny house enthusiasts and builders.
The creators are passionate about sustainable living. They often discuss eco-friendly building practices and materials. The channel also showcases innovative designs and solutions for small space living.
Vital Camp GmbH Micro House Manufacturing ? regularly updates its content. The creators post new videos every week, keeping their audience engaged and informed. The channel's content is a mix of informative and inspirational, making it a favorite among tiny house enthusiasts.