Xaereth Prevails Net Worth
What is Xaereth Prevails's net worth?
Xaereth Prevails is YouTube channel with over 22.20K subscribers. It started 16 years ago and has 1838 uploaded videos.
The net worth of Xaereth Prevails's channel through 18 Jan 2025
Videos on the channel are categorized into Role playing video game, Action adventure game, Strategy video game, Action game, Video game culture.
How much money does Xaereth Prevails make from YouTube?
Below is an estimated average earnings from advertising on the channel, depending on language, price and current audience.
This income is valid for channel visits till Jan 18 and must be updated when channel data changes. The channel may have additional revenue streams, such as sponsored content and product sales, that are not reflected in these figures.
Xaereth Prevails channel's current stats and earnings
Here are the stats for the last two weeks, separated by days.
- The lowest daily views during this period are 2.83K
- The highest daily views are 11.03K
17 Jan | $7 | |
16 Jan | $11 | |
15 Jan | $13 | |
14 Jan | $10 | |
13 Jan | $16 | |
12 Jan | $20 | |
11 Jan | $17 | |
10 Jan | $9 | |
9 Jan | $9 | |
8 Jan | $24 | |
7 Jan | $23 | |
6 Jan | $21 | |
5 Jan | $23 | |
4 Jan | $6 | |
3 Jan | $7 |
Forecast of next month's revenue
Xaereth Prevails net worth for February 2025 - $590
Channel details
Xaereth Prevails is a YouTube channel with over 22,200 subscribers. It started 16 years ago and has 1838 uploaded videos. The channel focuses on competitive play for the mobile game Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes. Xaereth, the creator, is known for his strategic gameplay and detailed guides.
Xaereth often shares personal anecdotes during his videos. He has a background in teaching, which influences his clear and structured explanations. The channel also features a series called "PrevailMan," where Xaereth plays a free-to-play account to show how to progress without spending money.
Xaereth is active on other platforms too. He has a Twitch channel where he streams live gameplay and interacts with his audience. Xaereth also co-hosts a podcast called "The Gambit," where he discusses strategies and updates about the game.
Xaereth's community is very engaged. Fans often contribute to discussions and share their own strategies. The channel has a Discord server where members can chat and get advice. Xaereth is known for his dad jokes, which add a lighthearted touch to his content.
Xaereth's dedication to the game and his community is evident. He regularly updates his content and responds to viewer questions. The channel's success is a testament to his hard work and passion for the game.