yaki dai. Net Worth
What is yaki dai.'s net worth?
yaki dai. is YouTube channel with over 13.50K subscribers. It started 5 years ago and has 172 uploaded videos.
The net worth of yaki dai.'s channel through 19 Feb 2025
Videos on the channel are categorized into Society.
How much money does yaki dai. make from YouTube?
Below is an estimated average earnings from advertising on the channel, depending on language, price and current audience.
This income is valid for channel visits till Feb 19 and must be updated when channel data changes. The channel may have additional revenue streams, such as sponsored content and product sales, that are not reflected in these figures.
yaki dai. channel's current stats and earnings
Here are the stats for the last two weeks, separated by days.
- The lowest daily views during this period are 9.19K
- The highest daily views are 68.80K
18 Feb | $20 | |
17 Feb | $60 | |
16 Feb | $108 | |
15 Feb | $86 | |
14 Feb | $107 | |
13 Feb | $148 | |
12 Feb | $101 | |
11 Feb | $125 | |
10 Feb | $125 | |
9 Feb | $111 | |
8 Feb | $39 | |
7 Feb | $99 | |
6 Feb | $66 | |
5 Feb | $39 | |
4 Feb | $36 |
Forecast of next month's revenue
yaki dai. net worth for March 2025 - $3,945
Channel details
yaki dai. is YouTube channel with over 13,500 subscribers. It started 5 years ago and has 172 uploaded videos. The channel's most popular video, "Enjoy Filming," has over 41,000 views. The creator often films interactions with police and public reactions in Wales.
One video, "Camera Confrontation Massive Panic Attack," shows a tense encounter that garnered 8,300 views in just three days. Another video, "F**K CARDIFF FREE GAZA," has 6,600 views and was uploaded six days ago.
The channel also features shorts, with one titled "Flower Of Scotland" reaching 10,000 views. The creator's unique style and choice of content have attracted a dedicated following.
The channel's name, yaki dai., is a playful twist on the Welsh phrase "Iechyd Da," which means "Good Health". The creator's identity remains largely anonymous, adding an air of mystery to the channel.